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Often compelling fiction! If a little dark.

You have to learn to question your thoughts. To question your beliefs. What you think is so often not the reality - or at least, not the only reality.

Let's do a little exercise:

think about the person you're in conflict with.

What did they do?

Why did they do it?

How do they feel about what they did?

How do they feel about you?

Are they a bad person?

Those are stories. They may or may not be true, and frankly, they are usually riddled with exaggerations and creative liberties.

But you don't usually know that.

So let's stretch our mind a bit.

What did they do?

What if...they didn't?

I'm not saying they didn't, but can you play with the idea? Can you consider it? Can you get comfortable with "I don't really know"?

Why did they do it?

Is that really the reason?

What if it's not?

What if it is?

Can you maintain those two thoughts at once instead of blindly believing your first knee jerk response?

Our first response is so often driven by our own trauma, our own pain.

Practice questioning your thoughts. Questioning your stories. You don't have to disregard anything, but can you entertain something a little extra?

How does this feel to you?

Remember darling, it's a practice. None of use are perfect specimens. Some of us are just more committed than most.

That's why I love you. 😘


28 paź 2021

I get that the two people I have in mind are in Deep Pain which guides their behavior. I also get my lack of honesty with them drives the conflict. I own my part in the story. However, I am stuck and struggle as how to resolve the conflict. Distance works for me...however, not based in Love for sure.


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