what's everyone's thoughts on challenges the universe provides you?
are the obstacles that need to be dealt with
are they pass/fail tests or does it just seem that way
are they gifts whether we know/feel/think it or not
or is it just the human experience with no right or wrong way to respond react.
you do not suffer, you do not fail, you are not bad unless you choose too
trust yourself, Spirit, your guides, and supporting resources. ask for support if you need, believe you could use it.
oh yeah one big huge thing Trust yourself & the Universe, Spirit, God, Guides, others. This is personal to me i need to "Trust" more; very difficult for me yet i am learning.
I don't like the term "test" when referring life's experiences. Yes, we're always learning, but Spirit has told me that there is no right or wrong or good or bad. Its all just experience and we're to experience all the billions of hues of love, and that includes not love. ♥️