Hello my loves, HAPPY MONDAY!
Here are the weekly energies. Let me know how this feels. 😊
Mentorship with me is open, My beloveds. If you're ready to live your life free, check out the Soulmatic Mastermind. Ingridhturner.com/soulmatic-mastermind
IMMERSION members who choose to work with me get 10% off. 😘
(You can share this weejpy energies video out from this link: https://youtu.be/El8aCerBSnk)
thank you and this resonates with a sense of speaking up not letting others or myself talk me down and out or walk all over me. being brave stand up for myself. also, try to engage more in stuff i want to do including relaxing chilling.😀💟🙏🙏🙏 to all those needing healing too