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Public·85 members

Hello fellow Ingrid followers! I know life is busy. I also know there's a good chance we all have a little something in common since we all found our way to this space. 😀 I've only seen a few people participating out of over 80. Is everyone except me a football fan?😆 I hope everyone had a great weekend, and gets good start to a new week🥰

Bob Becker
Bob Becker
Jan 24, 2022

Nothing is worth more than this day🔆. Each breath a gift...each step taken in faith leading me to the next. The journey were on so unique to each...yet in one way so very much the same. As under every breath I hear us all say....we wish for peace and love for all humanity. So as I take my next next step, I wish for all of you a glorious day filled with Peace, Love, and Understanding...May we accept all others as we would ask to be accepted ourselves...and shine like the Sun so that all feel the warmth of our hearts. This is how I’ll make a difference in the World today 🌎❤️


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